
The Restore Program acts as an alternative to the traditional judicial procedure in diverting youth before adjudication. We conduct an intervention with a mentor with the goal of imparting tools and strategies that lead to a transformative life change. The program uses non-professionals as catalysts to institute positive changes in the lives of youth with the goal of decreasing recidivism back into the justice system.

Core Values

Respect – To treat people in the manner in which you expect to be treated.

Integrity – Doing the right thing even if no one is looking.

Responsibility – A form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one’s conduct.

Honesty – Truthfulness, sincerity, authenticity.

  • We have an absolute belief that every person has potential and it is their unique strengths and capabilities.
  • We believe that what we focus on becomes one’s reality – focus on strength, not labels.
  • We believe the language we use creates our reality – both for mentors the youth they are working with.
  • We believe that change is inevitable – all individuals have the urge to succeed, to explore the world around them and to make themselves useful to others and their communities.
  • We believe that positive change occurs in the context of authentic relationships.
  • We believe that a person’s perspective of reality is primary (their story)– therefore, need to value and start the change process with what is important to the person – not the expert.
  • We believe that people have more confidence and comfort to journey to the future (the unknown) when they are invited to start with what they already know.
  • We believe that it is important to value differences and the essential need to collaborate.
  • We show equal concern and commitment to victims, offenders and communities by involving all in the process of justice.
  • We value deep understanding the human impact of criminal behavior has on a community, and we encourage accepting of responsibility, expressing remorse, and taking action to repair the damage caused by the crime.
  • We believe that offenders should become fully integrated, respected members of the community.
  • We support offenders, while encouraging them to understand, accept and carry out their obligations.
  • We recognize that while obligations may be difficult for offenders, obligations should not be intended as punishment, but a method of taking responsibility for actions.
  • We believe crime should involve opportunities for dialogue for both victims and offenders through the means of a Victim Offender Conferencing.
  • We believe in finding meaningful ways to involve the community and to respond to the community bases of crime.
  • We encourage collaboration and reintegration of victims and offenders, rather than coercion and isolation.
  • We believe in interagency cooperation and coordination in dealing with crime.
  • We believe in community involvement in preventing and controlling crime, improving neighborhoods and strengthening the bonds among community members resulting in community protection.